Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Our Day at Evergreen

Sorry for the long delay, it's been a wild one.  Our beautiful child is resting quietly and Mama is eating dinner.  I'll try to get a few pictures and videos up so we can introduce Mr. Calvin properly. 

So labor got a little exciting.  Christina was an absolute warrior through out the whole process but we ran into complications as the labor wore on.  Calvin decided he was going to be stubborn and continued to twist as Christina pushed.  Every time we had him facing the right direction, he'd spin around.  It got real touch and go for about a half hour with a vacuum or c-section being the next options.  After an hour and thirty minutes of pushing, the doctors started to worry that Christina would tire and be unable to continue pushing.  The little monkey just didn't want to come out.  The wife's pushing was text book, he just wasn't playing along.  At 1 o'clock we decided to go with the vacuum (think suction cup to the top of the head) to assist.  There's no pulling involved, Christina did the work, it just allowed the doc to guide Calvin's noggin up and out.  At 1:06 our purple cone headed wrinkled bundle of joy exercised his perfect new lungs and let us all know he was here.  I cried more than he did I think.  If I didn't believe in love at first sight, I sure do now.  I love this little man.  I can't wait for you all to meet him.

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